Class 207: History of Mormonism Preview
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Section 1:Meet the Mormons
1. Mormonism 101
2. Mormons On Marriage
3. The Ultimate Goal
Section 2: Joseph is Chosen
4. How It All Began
5. Smith Gets Busted
6. Get The Story Straight
7. Can I Get A Witness?
8. An Accurate Animation
Section 3: Building the Church
9. Suspicious Caractors
10. The Book of Mormon
11. Truth Comes First
12. The Reluctant Polygamist
Section 4: A Controversial End
13. Where’s The Temple?
14. The Kinderhook Conspiracy
15. The Final Straw
16. The Saints After Smith
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- Class 101 Notes
- Discussion Questions
- Article 1: What’s A Missing Link?
- Article 2: The Duck-Billed Platypus
- Class 101 Verse Quiz
- Class 101 Quiz
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