Class 304: Bible Translation: Has It Been Changed? Preview
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Section 1:Evidence for the Old Testament
1. Copies of Copies
2. Old Testament Manuscripts
3. In the Caves of Qumran
4. The Dead Sea Scrolls
5. What Did They Say?
Section 2: Interpreting the Evidence
6. Reconstructing the Original
7. How Reliable is the OT?
8. Meticulous Scribes
9. Predicting the Messiah
10. The Isaiah Scroll
11. The Son of God
Section 3: Evidence for the New Testament
12. New Testament Manuscripts
13. How Reliable is the NT?
14. What About the Originals?
15. Modern Translations
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- Class 101 Notes
- Discussion Questions
- Article 1: What’s A Missing Link?
- Article 2: The Duck-Billed Platypus
- Class 101 Verse Quiz
- Class 101 Quiz
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