Class 308: Inerrancy, Contradictions, and Miracles Preview
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Can the Bible get its story straight, or is it full of contradictions? This lesson looks at alleged biblical discrepancies and examines the case for inerrancy—the idea that the Bible is 100% error-free. It also responds to the objection that the Bible must be a book of fairy tales because it contains miracles.
Section 1:Understanding Inerrancy
1. Life and Doctrine
2. What Is Inerrancy?
3. Bible Difficulties
4. The Argument for Inerrancy
5. Everyone Makes Mistakes?
6. The More Copies, the Merrier
7. Ehrman’s Admission
8. Key Word: Apparent
Section 2: How Not to Critique the Bible
9. An Unfair Trial
10. Know What You’re Reading
11. Human Limitations
12. Settling Accounts
13. Approval Denied
14. Technically Correct
15. It’s the Principle of the Thing
Section 3: A Word on Miracles
16. Rare, or Impossible?
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- Class 101 Notes
- Discussion Questions
- Article 1: What’s A Missing Link?
- Article 2: The Duck-Billed Platypus
- Class 101 Verse Quiz
- Class 101 Quiz
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