5 scientific facts that the Bible discovered thousands of years before modern science
Want more facts that prove the Bible is true?
Scroll down to learn more about Educate For Life Online
You know what you believe… but how do you show someone else why it’s true?
People ask questions like…
- “Why do you think humans were created by God, when science proves that evolution created life?”
- “How do you know Christianity is the truth, and not Islam, Buddhism, or some other religion?”
- “Why do you believe that the Bible is the word of God if it was written by humans?”
- “Why do you stick to your Christian beliefs even when they go against what society says?”
Being able to give a good answer to these questions can make a huge difference in someone’s life.
Educate For Life Online is a complete HD video curriculum that teaches everything you need to know to be confident that Christianity is the truth.
Four crucial topics, covered in-depth
100 Nature: Created or Evolved?
101: The Fossil Record vs. Evolution
102: Evidence for a Worldwide Flood
103: Did Man Walk With Dinosaurs
104: The Age of the Earth
105: Genetic Mutations and Intelligent Design
106: Irreducible Complexity and Thermodynamics
107: The Big Bang and the Anthropic Principle
108: The Greatest Hoax on Science
109: Evolutionary Ethics
110: Answering Atheism
200 Religion: Who's Right?
201: Understanding Faith
202: Refuting Relativism
203: Hinduism and Buddhism
204: Reflecting on Buddhism
205: History of Judaism and Islam
206: Islam and the Bible
207: History of Mormonism
208: Beliefs of Mormonism
209: History of the Jehovah’s Witnesses
210: Beliefs of the Jehovah’s Witnesses
300 Bible: Myth or Fact?
301: Sola Scriptura
302: Canon and Authorship of the Bible
303: Historical Accuracy of the Bible
304: Bible Translation: Has It Been Changed?
305: Scientific Accuracy of the Bible
306: Slavery, Sexism, Weird Laws and Genocide
307: Suffering, Evil and Hell
308: Inerrancy vs. Contradictions
309: Prophetic Accuracy of the Bible
310: Evidence for the Resurrection
400 Culture: The Bible Applied
401: As a Country Thinks, So It Is
402: Was America a Christian Nation?
403: If It’s Broke, Fix It
404: The Bible on Homosexuality
405: Born that Way?
406: Culture, Marriage and Children
407: Do You Know What You’re Having?
408: Avoiding Heartbreak in Dating
409: Making Marriage Last a Lifetime
410: Rules Without Relationship Lead To Rebellion
This program doesn’t just teach the facts… it makes apologetics fun and interesting!
Just because you’re learning about something important doesn’t mean it has to be boring. In fact, people of all ages learn better when they’re interested and engaged.
That’s why this program keeps things interesting by using funny pictures, movie clips, jokes, you name it.
You WILL learn all about apologetics—but you WON’T fall asleep in the process.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
Am I too (old/young) to use this program?
This program is designed for high schoolers to adults. We tackle important and complex concepts that are invaluable for adults—but I make sure to explain things in a way that is accessible for high schoolers.
I’ve taught this material to high school groups, whole churches and adult groups. Parents who go through the classes with their high schooler often tell me that they learned just as much as their student.
A mature junior high student can also use this program, with parental guidance.
Can I use this program as homeschool curriculum?
Yes, you absolutely can! In fact, that’s what many of our members are doing already.
This program includes video lessons with guided notes, article assignments, memory verses with quizzes, multiple choice tests, and discussion/short answer prompts, including answer keys for everything. These learning materials are well-suited for a home school context.
Here’s a very encouraging testimonial we received from a mother who used our program to homeschool her daughters:
“I have a big compliment for you from my 11th grade daughters regarding their support of Educate For Life. … In a Cloud/Townsend class that finished Thursday someone asked about having their kids read those books and I said this year I made “How People Grow” one of my girl’s required readings as it’s a great book I read this summer. When I was asked what the girls thought of it I didn’t really know so I asked them at home and, though I loved the book, they said they didn’t care for the writing style in comparison to Sean Covey’s “7 Habit’s of Highly Effective Teens” another required reading they finished early because they enjoyed it so much. I asked if they learned anything from Covey’s book and they said “not really”. (At this point I’m consoling myself that their response is probably because we’ve been studying these key principles for so long they feel like a repeat…) But after 12 years of homeschooling, now a bit on edge, I pursued further asking them if they’ve experienced ANY life-changing moments in their 12 years of homeschooling by me (a CA multiple-subject credentialed teacher who gave up her public/private school career to home-school!!!) and they said, “The only lessons that are changing my life are those we learn from Educate For Life”. And I humbly support “ain’t that the truth and thank you God for giving them the wisdom to see that your program is what matters most.” This is what every parent would want to hear. Thank you for blessing us with Educate For Life. Though I pour zillions of wholesome, Biblical, sound biographical, healthy good things into my girls which I’m sure contributed to their being receptive to your teaching, your lessons are the most important. They are the ones which will last for now and all eternity. God bless you for all you do.” – Barbara
How long does it take to complete the program?
This program is self-guided, so how long it takes to complete it is up to you. There are four different topics, and each one contains 10 lessons. Each lesson has a 1-2 hour HD video lecture, along with its own assignments, a multiple choice test, and more.
If you have enough time, you could finish the entire program in only 8 weeks by doing one lesson every weekday; or you could do one lesson a week, and spend four 10-week semesters going through the program; or you can do anything in between! That’s the beauty of our self-guided program.
Why is the price so low?
I made this program very affordable, but NOT because it isn’t valuable. The information is SO valuable (and important!) that I wanted to make it accessible to anyone.
This program contains the same material that parents pay thousands of dollars a year for in private schools. When I previously taught these classes outside of school, enrollment cost $200 for each of the four topics that are covered, for a total of $800. I reduced the price all the way down to $29.99 a month, with no commitments, so that anyone anywhere can learn apologetics and become confident in their Christian faith!
How many months does the subscription last?
There are no commitments required for this program—you can sign up for one month, ten years, or only use the free trial. It’s easy to cancel anytime right from your account page. But once you get started, I know you won’t want to stop until you’ve mastered all the material! And our classes are self-paced, so you can do that as quickly or slowly as you like.
What our members are saying:
Thank you, Educate for Life! Not only is this ministry helping me to be better equipped to share my faith, it has also greatly deepened my own passion and reverence for the Lord. While there are a variety of wonderful Christian apologetics ministries out there, Educate for Life stands out because of the excellent quality and user friendly format of the video lectures. I appreciate that the lectures can also be used with middle school aged students. My eleven-year-old son is a visual learner, so the variety of video clips, interviews, charts, etc. that are embedded into the lectures are so helpful in keeping him (as well as myself) very engaged. In addition, Kevin comes across as very approachable, knowledgeable, respectful and articulate.”
Kevin Conover is an amazing apologist and bible teacher! I’m grateful for his earnest desire to reach our younger generation. Anyone who takes part in his class will be equipped to give an answer for the hope that is in them!
This class used logic, evidence and Biblical support to strengthen my faith in a simple, effective, and easily understood way. I would 100% recommend this course to anyone, strong Christian or not.
We purchased Educate for Life over a year ago. I am grateful for the quality family time and conversations with our teens. Keep up the great work!
Kevin explains things in a logical and easy to understand way that truly prepares you to defend your faith. We had a group of 15 people together to watch the lessons every week and everyone learned so much! Kevin covers so many important and tough topics. Keep up the great work Educate for Life! And thank you for providing such a valuable curriculum for an age group that needs it so badly!
I am a current college student at a state school and am so glad I took a few of these courses on creation. Being a science major, it is really difficult to defend why belief in God and creation is much more plausible than evolution. Not only did these courses preserve my childhood faith in a fragile period of my life, my faith grew as a result. I feel I have a better foundation because of the knowledge I’ve learned. I would recommend Educate for Life to anyone either looking to defend what they believe in or searching for answers themselves.
This class has encouraged me to be confident in my faith and that there are no reasons as to why I should doubt God’s Word. The class has given me strength and evidence to be strong and confident in what I believe.