Is there evidence that dinosaurs died off not so long ago?
In 2005, Dr. Mary Schweitzer found undecayed tissue, blood vessels, and cells within a fossilized T-Rex bone that she admitted should not have been there because it “violates everything we know about the laws of chemistry and physics”. Amidst a storm of criticism, Dr. Schweitzer has confirmed that the tissue is indeed dinosaur tissue, and found additional soft tissue in hadrosaur bones (assumed to have been buried 80 million years ago).
There are over 100 discoveries of soft tissue in dinosaur bones. These recent findings are unexplainable to individuals with preconceived ideas that the earth is old; however, the time scale makes sense if the rock layers are the result of a recent worldwide flood. Dinosaurs were caught in a worldwide flood only about 4,500 years ago, and that is why small amounts of undecayed and unfossilized tissue remain.
God is making it absolutely apparent that a recent creation and a worldwide flood are a reality of history. His Word can be trusted as clear and straightforward.
(Source: Inspired Evidence- Mary Schweitzer, Soft Tissue Vessels and Cellular Pre in Tyr. Rex 2005 Science 307, pp.1952-1955)