Modern Mom – Candy Carson

Modern Mom – Candy Carson

DescriptionRead more... Being a modern mom is difficult. There is increasing pressure on women to get out of the home by getting a good education and getting a high-paying job. While these are great things, new research suggests that these are not the most important...
A Universe From Nothing- Dr. Lawrence Krauss

A Universe From Nothing- Dr. Lawrence Krauss

DescriptionRead more... Today on Educate For Life, Kevin’s guest is Dr. Lawrence Krauss. Prof. Lawrence M. Krauss is an internationally known theoretical physicist with wide research interests, including the interface between elementary particle physics and cosmology,...
Addicted America – Herlindo, Lucia, and Rita

Addicted America – Herlindo, Lucia, and Rita

DescriptionRead more... According to, twenty-three million Americans are currently addicted to alcohol and/or other drugs.  This is a shocking and sad statistic. But what’s worse is that only one in 10 addicts (2.6 million) receive the treatment they...

10/29/2017: Kevin Conover at Calvary Chapel of Alpine

On Sunday, October 29th, Kevin Conover will be speaking at Calvary Chapel of Alpine on the topic of evolutionary falsehoods and the accuracy of creation. Date: Sunday, 10/29/17 Time: 9:30 am PDT Location: 2267 W Victoria Dr, Alpine, CA 91901 Topic: Scientific reasons...