6/29/2016: Kevin Conover at Future Quest 2016

Kevin Conover will once again be speaking at FutureQuest Youth Conference, which will take place at Foothills Christian Church from Wednesday June 29 to Friday July 1.  Kevin will lead a different workshop each day of the conference: his topic will be How to Avoid a...
A Legacy of Creation – Dr. Henry Morris III

A Legacy of Creation – Dr. Henry Morris III

DescriptionRead more... Not long ago, the debate between creation and evolution was almost entirely one-sided—at least in the scientific sense. Although Christians long opposed the evolutionary explanation of life on Scriptural grounds, they had no answers to any of...
Leave Parenting to Parents – Michael Farris

Leave Parenting to Parents – Michael Farris

DescriptionRead more... A 13 year old boy told a school counselor that he felt he should not have to go to church three times a week with his parents.  The counselor called for an “emergency removal” of the boy from his home.  At a subsequent hearing the...
Keep Your Kids on God’s Side! – Natasha Crain

Keep Your Kids on God’s Side! – Natasha Crain

DescriptionRead more... Ultimately, it’s not up to a church, youth pastor, Christian school, or anyone else to make sure that your kids are strong enough in their faith to face the world’s challenges: it is your responsibility. Many parents feel that when...