Kavanaugh – Qualified to Serve?

Kavanaugh – Qualified to Serve?

DescriptionRead more... Judge Bret Kavanaugh has been accused of sexual assault during the recent Congressional Supreme Court confirmation hearing. How can a Christian support someone like Bret Kavanaugh with a charge like this against him? Wouldn’t that be...
How to Defend Keeping Moses in Textbooks

How to Defend Keeping Moses in Textbooks

DescriptionRead more... Recently, the Texas Board of Education approved changes to their history textbooks that reference Moses as an influential person in American history. Outrage from atheist and freedom from religion groups quickly followed. They claim that the...
How To Know America Is A Christian Nation

How To Know America Is A Christian Nation

DescriptionRead more... Is America a Christian Nation? Is it different from any other country in the world? In today’s culture, these two questions are being hotly debated. Today on Educate For Life Kevin will dig into some facts that will help you answer these...
How To Share Your Faith – Dick Hausam

How To Share Your Faith – Dick Hausam

DescriptionRead more... Today on Educate For Life, Kevin has as his guest Dick Hausam. Dick Hausam attends Skyline Church and regularly attends Kevin’s church class on the subject of Christian Apologetics. Today Dick will share some easy ways to share your faith with...