by Educate F. | Aug 10, 2018 | Events
Science Confirms the Bible! Kevin Conover at the VIU National Apologetics Conference On Saturday, October 13th, Kevin Conover will be speaking at the 10th Annual VIU National Apologetics Conference at Calvary Chapel South Bay. Topic: Science Confirms the Bible!...
by Educate F. | May 4, 2018 | Podcast
DescriptionRead more... Today on Educate For Life, Kevin has as guests Pastor Howard Brown, Luke Gibson and Steven Roberts. Pastor Howard is with the East County Transitional Living Center. The East County Transitional Living Center helps the homeless living on the...
by Educate F. | May 2, 2018 | Podcast
DescriptionRead more... Would you donate to a cause that you don’t believe in? What if you were forced to support a cause because you were part of a certain organization? If you are a teacher, you are likely a member of a union. Even if you’re not in a union, you...
by Educate F. | Apr 22, 2018 | Podcast
DescriptionRead more... Marijuana recently became legal in California and many other states are sure to follow. But just because it’s legal does that mean it’s right to use it? How addicting is it? What are its effects on the body and mind? To answer these questions,...
by Educate F. | Apr 18, 2018 | Podcast
DescriptionRead more... Today on Educate For Life Kevin has as guests, Tobias Haglund and Kristi Fox. Tobias and Kristi are with Young Life a Christian Youth Ministry. Young Life is a group of caring adults who go where kids are, win the right to be heard and share...