Bible & Prayer in Public School

Feb 4, 2022 | Blog | 0 comments


How can society benefit by teaching the Bible in public school?

From the foundation of America up into the 1960’s, public school teachers were free to teach both moral and physical truths right out of the Bible. Early in the twentieth century, this was an encouraged practice throughout America, as the Bible was acknowledged as the foundation of all reality, including science.
What was the result of this practice? America became the greatest economic and technologically advanced nation on the face of the Earth. It can be argued that from 1800 to 1960, more science and medical advancements came from America than any other nation.
During the first 100 years of the Nobel peace prize in science and medicine (1901-2001), Americans have been awarded more Nobel prizes than any other nation on Earth. The majority of Americans throughout this time period consistently stated that they believed God created humanity within the last 6,000 years. This belief is clearly not an impediment to scientific advancement.
It is absurd to believe that scientific advancement will be slowed by acknowledging that the order and beauty of creation testify to the recent creation by an intelligent, all powerful Designer. This understanding actually spurs scientific advancement by giving a firm foundation for understanding that an orderly and intelligent designer assures an orderly, understandable creation. We have the privilege to learn how this creation operates.
On the other hand, believing that the universe is just a conglomeration of random processes, such as mutations and the big bang, provides no assurance that anything has purpose or meaning. Is it any surprise that since 1961-1962, when the Bible and prayer were removed from schools, America has fallen behind the rest of the world in Nobel prizes and science literacy. As God continues to be removed from our culture, we will continue to experience the rise of widespread moral and social problems, such as violence, abortion, homosexuality, CRT, socialism and increased personal and national debt.
(Source: Inspired Evidence – Julie Von Vett & Bruce Malone)


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