Scriptural Scientists

Scriptural Scientists

Did you know by the 1960’s, Christianity was in full retreat in the United States? Bible colleges and seminaries were turning out pastors poorly prepared to defend the straightforward understanding of Genesis. Thus, everything the Bible says about biology and...
Fantastic Feet

Fantastic Feet

Have you considered the human foot?  It has a unique arch that allows man to stand upright. What does it take to make an arch? Think of the Gothic churches of the Middle Ages and their towering arches. Arches need wedge-shaped blocks, a keystone and ties. The human...
Busy Bees

Busy Bees

What is one of the most busy and productive insects?  The bee gets the prize hands down for its productivity in supplying a product for human consumption. Bees stay super busy and just to fly a bee has to flap its wings over 200 times per second. This ultra fast...
Young Planets?

Young Planets?

Do the planets appear to be old? Neptune is an enormous gas planet, the eighth planet in our solar system. This planet appears as a small bluish dot in our most powerful telescopes. Our best photos of Neptune were taken by the Voyager II spacecraft when it flew by the...
The Mt. Sinai of Saudi Arabia with Rajeev Samaroo

The Mt. Sinai of Saudi Arabia with Rajeev Samaroo

DescriptionRead more...Tab Join Educate for Life Radio and Kevin Conover as he interviews Rajeev Samaroo about the Mt. Sinai of Saudi Arabia. See evidence of Moses journey through the Middle East and watch the Bible come alive as Rajeev explores the remote areas of...