Baby’s Heart Beat

Baby’s Heart Beat

  Have you considered the amazing function of the baby’s heart in the womb? How does a baby breathe when immersed in a sack of water? Why doesn’t blood circulate through a baby’s lungs while the baby is inside of the mother? The blood does not need to circulate to the...
Bent Strata

Bent Strata

How much evidence is there for a worldwide flood?  A strong evidence for the rapid formation of the geology of our planet is the widespread existence of folded sediment throughout the mountain chains of the world. Three-fourths of the surface of the Earth is made up...
Bone Structure Designed to Sprint

Bone Structure Designed to Sprint

Did you notice the winning horse’s shin bone, or metacarpal the last time you watched a horse race?  This tiny shin bone is located just below his front knee, supporting the horse’s whole weight, even when galloping. Think about the enormous load this bone, the size...
Skins Unique Umbrella

Skins Unique Umbrella

How does the biggest organ in our body shield us?  Umbrellas are not just for rain, they also provide shade from the sun. The sun gives off deadly ultraviolet rays which would kill every one of us if we did not have protection. Sunscreen helps, but God provided us...
The Force of Water

The Force of Water

How powerful is the force of water? It was World War II, and the British Royal Navy ships were experiencing unexplained damage to their propellers. Physicists worked out the problem: it was cavitation bubbles. Cavitation bubbles occur when turbulent waters cause tiny...
Polystrate Fossils

Polystrate Fossils

  Why are fossilized trees discovered spanning across multiple rock layers?   A polystrate fossil cuts across many geological layers. Poly means “many” and stratum means “layer”, hence “many layers”. The eroding cliffs of Joggins, Nova Scotia are famous for their...