Christian Parenting Tip #5

Christian Parenting Tip #5

Parenting Tip #5 Try not to take it personal Scripture: Proverbs 19:11 Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense. Parenting Tip: Try not to take it personally This scripture has helped me more times than I can count. As a man who...
Dinosaur Trackways

Dinosaur Trackways

Did you know there have been thousands of dinosaur tracks found all over the world? These dinosaur impressions include footprints, scratch marks and tail dragging imprints.  Perfectly preserved like this image from Dinosaur Ridge, Colorado, and many of these fossil...
Human foot

Human foot

The human foot was specially designed to allow standing in the upright position. Our foot is made up of three main structures that provide arch support and function: the keystone bone, wedge-shaped bones, and ligaments. The bones must be present or else the arch will...
My daughter has a deadly disease

My daughter has a deadly disease

Our daughter, 15 yrs old this October, was born in a birth center which was a home in a residential neighborhood with a mid-wife. I helped deliver her and as soon as she was born my wife and I were concerned. Something didn’t seem right, she wasn’t moving very much....
Christian Parenting Tip #4

Christian Parenting Tip #4

Parenting Tip #4 Show AffectionGreet each other with a holy kiss Scripture: 1 Corinthians 16:20 “All the brothers send you greetings. Greet one another with a holy kiss.” Parenting Tip: Give hugs and kissesWhen I was a teen in high school one of the guys in the youth...