by Robert Gerow | Jun 24, 2021 | Podcast
DescriptionRead more... This week Kevin talks to Dr. Alan Walker, an expert on plant breeding and genetics and a young-earth creationist. Alan earned an MS in Plant Breeding in from the University of Maryland, and a PhD in Plant Breeding and Cytogenetics from Iowa...
by Robert Gerow | Jun 15, 2021 | Podcast
DescriptionRead more... “Scientists study the world as it is, engineers create the world that never has been.” – Theodore von Kármán. Christians love to talk about Creation Science, but maybe we should focus a little more on Creation Engineering! We already know that...
by Robert Gerow | Apr 21, 2021 | Podcast
DescriptionRead more... The government takes away a large percentage of your income at gunpoint (it’s called taxation) and spends it on public “education”. But in reality, public schools attempt to indoctrinate your kids into certain political...
by Robert Gerow | Mar 15, 2021 | Podcast
DescriptionRead more... How could something called “The Equality Act” possibly be a bad thing? Unfortunately, this legislation is not about creating true equality under the law for all. It is actually designed to destroy the legally-protected religious...
by Robert Gerow | Mar 12, 2021 | Podcast
DescriptionRead more... Every day, more and more entertainment media is produced for kids and teens to consume. But a lot of this content contains harmful messaging, designed to undermine traditional values in favor of radical social and political agendas. How can...
by Robert Gerow | Mar 3, 2021 | Podcast
DescriptionRead more... You’ve probably seen her on TV, but Sam Sorbo is more than just an actress: she’s also an author, talk show host, educator, wife and mother. In this episode of the Educate For Life Show, Sam and I discuss the ideas behind her new...