Teach Them Diligently – David Nunnery

Teach Them Diligently – David Nunnery

DescriptionRead more... Recent data collected by the U.S. Department of Education shows that homeschooling has grown by 61.8 percent over the last decade. Now 2 million kids—or 4 percent of the total youth population in the United States—are homeschooled.  Today on...
Running For Congress – Brian Jones

Running For Congress – Brian Jones

DescriptionRead more... Today on Educate For Life, Kevin has as his guest, Congressman Brian Jones. Brian W. Jones was elected in 2018 to serve California’s 38th Senate district. He is Chair of the Senate Republican Caucus. Prior to serving in the Senate, Jones was a...
Reaching Muslims – Dr. David Wood

Reaching Muslims – Dr. David Wood

DescriptionRead more... Today on Educate For Life, Kevin has as his guest, Dr. David Wood. David Wood is from Acts17 Apologetics, a ministry that presents the truth of the gospel to Muslims using Apologetics. David has an impressive testimony, having come from an...
What is Urban Apologetics? – Vocab Malone

What is Urban Apologetics? – Vocab Malone

DescriptionRead more... Today on Educate For Life, Kevin has as his guest, Vocab Malone. He specializes in urban apologetics. Apologetics is the art of defending a belief system like Christianity through reason and evidence. However, urban apologetics is specifically...
Cold-Case Christianity – J. Warner Wallace

Cold-Case Christianity – J. Warner Wallace

DescriptionRead more... In about 30 A.D., Jesus Christ was crucified. Three days later he rose from the dead. The only evidence? The recorded writings of his followers. Is it possible to solve this cold case nearly 2,000 years later and determine whether or not it’s...
Serving the Community – Phil Ortiz

Serving the Community – Phil Ortiz

DescriptionRead more... Meet Phil Ortiz. He is an El Cajon City Councilman and business owner. He was appointed to the city council after the former council member resigned. Ortiz is also a strong Christian. Ortiz is no stranger to community service… Meet Phil...

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