A Real Life Adam and Eve? – Dr. Robert Carter

A Real Life Adam and Eve? – Dr. Robert Carter

DescriptionRead more... DNA holds many mysteries. It is the instruction book for all life on earth and is a complicated code that scientists are trying to unravel. But could it actually be used to prove whether the biblical story of Adam and Eve is historically...
A Review of “The Shack” – Greg Koukl

A Review of “The Shack” – Greg Koukl

DescriptionRead more... “The Shack” is a movie based on the book by the same title written by Christian author, William P. Young. After suffering a family tragedy, Mack Phillips spirals into a deep depression that causes him to question his innermost beliefs. Facing a...
Science Refutes Evolution – Dr. James Tour

Science Refutes Evolution – Dr. James Tour

DescriptionRead more... How many times have you heard it said that virtually all scientists agree on the scientific validity of evolution? Not so! Kevin’s guest on the show today is Dr. James Tour. He is a Bible believing Christian who has serious doubts about...
Is Atheism Faithless? – Dan Barker

Is Atheism Faithless? – Dan Barker

DescriptionRead more... Kevin’s guest on the show today is Dan Barker. He is a Christian turned Atheist and is currently the co-president of the Freedom From Religion Foundation. Dan is a contributing editor of Freethought Today and is involved with the Foundation’s...

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