by Robert Gerow | Feb 8, 2021 | Video
Description: Recently I got the chance to interview Dr. Hugh Ross of Reasons to Believe. I asked him how he would respond if someone accused him of placing more value on science (what he calls “the Book of Nature”) than on the Bible (“the book of...
by Robert Gerow | Feb 6, 2021 | Video
Description: The anglerfish is a truly unique specimen in nature. It uses a complicated bioluminescent fishing lure to catch its prey. Can we really believe that it evolved by random chance all on its own? What did you think of the video? Let us know in the...
by Robert Gerow | Feb 5, 2021 | Video
Description: The theory of evolution states that one kind of animal slowly changed into another over time. The problem is, the fossil record does not support this claim. See the full lesson here: What did you think of the video?...
by Robert Gerow | Feb 4, 2021 | Video
Description: In a public school, Christian teachers are sometimes asked to say things that violate their own religious beliefs. What can they do in that situation? Eric Beuhrer of Gateways to Better Education explains. Watch or listen to the full interview here for...
by Robert Gerow | Feb 2, 2021 | Video
Description: Humpback whales have funny looking bumps on the front of their flippers, but this isn’t some random mistake. They actually function better than smooth flippers would! Evidence for God’s design is everywhere. What did you think of the video?...
by Robert Gerow | Jul 15, 2020 | Video
Description: Some people think the different “races” of humans are evidence for evolution, not creation. In reality, the ONE human race is explained perfectly by Biblical Creation, and supported by GOOD science—not Darwinian Evolution. I teach an entire...