by Robert Gerow | May 20, 2020 | Video
Description: When can we expect a vaccine to be available for COVID-19? What are the challenges in producing a new vaccine? Dr. Olen R. Brown, an expert in toxicology and microbiology, explains the answer. This video clip is from the Educate For Life Show with Kevin...
by Robert Gerow | May 19, 2020 | Video
Description: Just how bad is the Coronavirus? Is it no worse than any other annual flu? Is it as serious as the Spanish Flu epidemic that killed tens of millions? Dr. Olen R. Brown, an expert toxicologist, weighs in. This video clip is from the Educate For Life Show...
by Robert Gerow | Apr 3, 2020 | Video
Description: In today’s video, I temporarily become an atheist so that Greg Koukl can demonstrate how easy it is to have a reasonable, productive discussion with a non-believer. You can learn more about this subject from Greg’s newly revised and updated...
by Robert Gerow | Oct 28, 2019 | Video
Description: Last Saturday I was down at Mission Beach giving out free hot dogs and witnessing to people. Our group has been doing this once a month for years. Sometimes it goes great! …Other times, so-so. But the key to getting results is consistency. What did...
by Robert Gerow | Oct 25, 2019 | Video
Description: In my recent interview with Dr. John Yeo of Southern California Seminary, we got to talking about Biblical interpretation (aka. hermeneutics). When should we take the Bible literally, and how do we know? Dr. Yeo argues that this issue is a lot simpler...
by Robert Gerow | Sep 30, 2019 | Video
Description: I was recently up at Green Valley Lake Christian Camp speaking to a group of high school students about some tough subjects. A lot of times it’s scary talking about controversial topics, especially with people who don’t agree with you. But...