Why There’s No Right to Gay Marriage in 6 Video Clips

This article was originally posted on The Daily Signal on April 24, 2015. On Thursday night, Ryan T. Anderson, the William E. Simon senior research fellow at The Heritage Foundation, participated in a debate about gay marriage. We’ve assembled some of the key moments...

Could the animals on Noah’s ark have hibernated?

Tuesday, January 07, 2014 Hibernation, Migration and the Ark A report of a year-long hibernation in a tiny marsupial raises a subject worth revisiting. by Carl Wieland Published: 12 December 2007(GMT+10) A recent [November 2007] news item caused a flurry of interest...

How did Noah feed the carnivores on the ark?

Monday, January 06, 2014 Feeding carnivores on the Ark By Andrew Lamb — 11/15/2008 Creation Ministries International — Creation.com Many carnivores, including lions and tigers, can readily manage on a vegetarian diet, and this may have happened on the Ark. See Teeth...