Parenting Tip #5 Try not to take it personal
Scripture: Proverbs 19:11
Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense.
Parenting Tip: Try not to take it personally
This scripture has helped me more times than I can count. As a man who grew up in a family where respecting authority was highly valued, I have found it offensive when someone is disrespectful. When I first started teaching I would get upset when a student was rude or disrespectful to me or to someone else. Now, I don’t let it go but I don’t get upset like I used to. More often than not, the student doesn’t recognize they are being disrespectful. It needs to be corrected and if it continues there needs to be a consequence but I don’t need to get angry in the process. I need to calmly explain the significance of their actions or words and see if I can get their buy in. If I can get their buy-in by doing a good job of explaining their offense, then we have made wonderful progress and they have gained in maturity.
Sometimes, a person is rude and there is no opportunity to explain to them why what they did was wrong. In that case, it’s a blessing to me to be able to overlook their offense. Thank you God.
Apologetics (Defense of the Biblical Worldview)
Child: How do dinosaurs fit in the Bible?
Parent: According to the Bible, God created everything, including dinosaurs in six days only about 6,000 years ago. Which would mean that dinosaurs went extinct recently, not millions of years ago. Many dinosaur remains have been found with unfossilized soft tissues including red blood cells, proving the Biblical timeframes are correct. (ie Mary Schweitzer, etc.)
God bless you!
Kevin Conover
There is a more thorough answer to this question of how dinosaurs fit in the Bible in my online Bible Apologetics Curriculum, which you can try out for free for 7 days here.