Dinosaur Trackways

Sep 23, 2024 | Blog | 0 comments

Did you know there have been thousands of dinosaur tracks found all over the world? These dinosaur impressions include footprints, scratch marks and tail dragging imprints.  Perfectly preserved like this image from Dinosaur Ridge, Colorado, and many of these fossil impressions are larger than a human child! 

So how do we fit this evidence into a Biblical view of history? It begins with the global flood of  Noah’s time. Many dinosaurs fled the rising flood waters, which had already washed over low-lying areas of the Earth’s rapidly changing terrain. New layers of sediment washed into various places, while mobile animals such as dinosaurs tried to outrun the rising flood waters. During their attempted escape, they left impressions cemented across many of the continents allowing us to observe them today. The fact that we can see dinosaur prints all around the world points to a worldwide flood—just like the one that is clearly described in Genesis 6-9!


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