How does the Earth’s rotation remain so consistent?
As the Earth circles the sun, its north-south axis maintains a 23.5 degree tilt. It is the tilt of the Earth that controls our seasons. The majority of people asked this question will answer that the sun is closer during the summer, but this is incorrect.
The Earth is 4 million miles farther from the sun during the summer season. It is the tilt that gives us our seasons, not the distance from the sun. During the summer, the northern hemisphere tilts toward the sun, and we are warm. During the winter, the northern hemisphere tilts away from the sun, and we are cooler. Of course, those living “down under” find that the Earth is closer to the sun during the summer and farther away during the winter. This would cause the southern seasons to be much more severe than those in the northern hemisphere, but God even solved that problem.
Look closely at a globe, and you will see significantly more water below the equator. This water helps moderate the seasonal changes and gives a tolerable climate year round. Even small details, such as the tilt of Earth’s axis at 23.5 degrees, did not happen by accident, Jesus designed it for our benefit.
(Source: Inspired Evidence – Donald De Young, Weather and the Bible, 1992 pp.40-42 )