Traction By Design

Feb 15, 2021 | Blog | 0 comments

Have you ever been inspired to invent something to improve our way of life?

It was the early 1900’s, and Paul Sperry liked to go sailing. However, this hobby of sailing was tough, especially with the flat-soled shoes that he wore. Sperry would slip and slide on the wet deck of his ship.

One day he noticed his cocker spaniel running on an icy winter path. Why wasn’t he slipping and sliding? Sperry examined the dog’s paws. The pads had hundreds of tiny cracks and cuts going in all directions.

Sperry found some rubber, cut grooves in a herringbone pattern, and attached it to the bottom of his sailing shoes. The improved traction was obvious on his wet deck! Sperry went on to manufacture the first non-skid deck shoes.

God has provided answers to many of the dilemmas we face. He is just waiting for us to search out His secrets!

(Source: Inspired Evidence – Donald DeYoung and Derrick Hobbs, Discovery of Design, 2009 pp.104-106)


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