God is Love

Feb 15, 2023 | Blog | 0 comments

How can we continue to extend God’s love throughout the year? 

God created us to love, to express that love to others and to receive love. He set the greatest example of love, giving up his only son for us. As a parent, I can’t imagine doing that. In Romans 5:8, we read that God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. God loves us that much!

Scripture overflows with references to God’s great, enduring and abounding love. I John 4, for example, details the depth of God’s love and his commandment to love others. Love others. Valentine’s Day is here and gone, but that gives us that opportunity to show love to family, friends, neighbors and more. We can all prepare ourselves with a defense for our faith in Christ and deliver the message of hope and the gospel.  John 15:13 There is no greater love than this: that a person would lay down his life for the sake of his friends.



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