Living Fossils Haven’t Evolved

Jan 11, 2021 | Blog | 0 comments

Did you know that starfish, sea urchins and sea lilies lived at the same time as the dinosaurs?

These creatures, called echinoderms, are very different from each other, yet they have changed little from those we still see today. Their fossils have been found in the same rock layers as dinosaurs, but they are given different names than modern echinoderms. This seems to be an effort to disguise the fact that evolution hasn’t happened.

When compared side by side, the fossil and modern creatures are nearly identical. Lobsters from the fossils look just like the ones we eat today, just with larger claws. Shrimp from the dinosaur times look just like the ones we still eat!

The same creatures have been living all around us since the beginning. Although some have become extinct, we see no completely new creatures, and no evidence of evolution.

(Source: Inspired Evidence, Carl Werner- Evolution the Grand Experiment vol.2 Living Fossils 2008 pp.1-56)


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