Kids Class 10: Why Not Mormonism?

There are currently over 15 million Mormons worldwide, and it all started here in America less than 200 years ago. Who was Joseph Smith? Is there reason to believe that God chose him to start a new church of Latter-Day Saints? Can you become a god of your own planet someday if you do enough good works?

Join Charlie and examine the lesser known (and more controversial) teachings of Mormonism, so that you can answer the most important question of all: does Mormonism qualify as true Christianity?


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Section 1: Introduction

Section 2: Problems With Joseph Smith’s Story

Section 3: Translation Of The Plates, Witnesses & The Book Of Mormon Published

Section 4: Warnings Against Deception Of False Teachers

Section 5: Mormons And Polygamy

Section 6: Eternal Marriage, Mormons Cause Conflict In Missouri & Flee To Nauvoo

Section 7: Joseph Smith Dies & Brigham Young Take The Mormons To Utah

Section 8: Heaven By Good Works; A God Of Our Own Planet?

Section 9: Facts Not Feelings (Blind Faith) & Changes To The Book Of Mormon

Section 10: Summary




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