Living Water

Nov 21, 2022 | Blog | 0 comments

In the spirit of being thankful, do you ever think about the blessing of having clean running water?

Every day we drink it, cook with it, bathe in it and it helps our food and flowers grow. It’s used to fight fires, produce energy and recreational activities such as swimming, water skiing, ice skating and snowboarding. Water covers more than 70% of the Earth and is constantly recirculated through the water cycle. Water is made up of two different elements including hydrogen and oxygen. The two atoms of hydrogen are joined with a single atom of oxygen to make H2o, what we call it water. Water can exist in three types of forms: liquid, solid ice or vapor as a gas. 

Water is essential for life. Humans can survive about three weeks without eating, but you can only go about three days without water. It makes up about 60% of all of our bodies. Water makes up your saliva so you can swallow, it flushes the waste, and poison out of your body and it cushions your brain, moistens your eyes and lubricates your joints and keeps your body temperature balanced delivering oxygen throughout your body. Not only do we need it, but so does every single plant and animal on earth.

Thank you God for the gift of water for all it does for me. Thank you love, care and for all of your provision. Thank you for being our Living Water. 


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