Saturday, April 13, 2013
In this video Kevin Conover interviews UCSD students about how they understand love.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
In this video Kevin Conover interviews UCSD students about how they understand love.
Description: Did you know that scientists are so lost when it comes to explaining the origin of life on Earth, some argue that it was seeded by aliens? What did you think of the video? Let us know in the comments!
Description: Do radiometric dating methods really prove the earth is billions of years old? It turns out the science is not quite as settled as they would have you think. Here are three reasons that these dating methods depend on assumptions (i.e. guesses) rather than...
Description: Public schools are trying to indoctrinate students with far-left ideologies like socialism, and sadly it's working. Socialism might sound good to young Americans who have always lived under freedom, but anyone who has actually experienced it firsthand...