Hunting in the Dark

Mar 12, 2021 | Blog | 0 comments

Did you know that bats rely on echolocation for hunting in the dark? 

The bat opens its mouth and sends out a high-pitched sound, which bounces off its surroundings, creating an echo that the bat can hear. To make these high-pitched sounds, the bat has a specialized larynx which can produce high-frequency ultrasounds. From the echo of these pulsing ultrasounds, bats can determine the distance, size, shape, surface texture, and speed of their prey. 

A bat’s ears are specialized to collect these high frequency sounds. The bat is able to turn on and off receivers in its ears that are sensitive to these specific wavelengths. After collecting these ultrasounds bats have the ability to, within a few thousandths of a second, build a mental image of their surroundings—much like we do with our eyes.

What an amazing solution God created to enable bats to see in the dark!

(Source: Inspired Evidence – Paula Weston – Bats sophistication in miniature, Creation Magazine 1998 December pp. 28-31)


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