The God of the Bible is a God of infinite creativity and variety.
This is the God who tossed into existence 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars and keeps them whirling as they plunge through space at unimaginable speeds. And yet with mathematical precision, we can know when a comet will visit years in advance or know when an eclipse will take place. Even the ancient Mayans accurately calculated the position of planets thousands of years into the future.
This is the same God who selected a single planet and filled it with a bewildering number of life forms. On the sixth day, God made his final preparations for man. Scientists have classified millions of these creatures. When we tally all the creatures that God made on day 5 & 6, we find there are at least 800,000 different kinds of insects, 30,000 kinds of fish, 9,000 kinds of birds, 6,000 kinds of reptiles, 3,000 kinds of amphibians and 5,000 kinds of mammals. God is truly a God of variety! Evolution may imagine life struggling to emerge and finally succeeding at a lonely, isolated place. But these mutations over time simply cannot explain life’s incomprehensible variety.
This God of infinite power, creativity, and wisdom chose to enter into human history in order to bring rebellious humans back into fellowship with Himself.
(Source: Inspired Evidence – Julie Von Vett & Bruce Malone)