What is the tallest living land animal? The giraffe towers over 18 feet tall!
Being so tall, giraffes have one of the highest blood pressures of all animals. They need two-foot long hearts to pump blood up those ten-foot long necks. Consider the giraffe taking a drink. He spreads his front legs and bends his head down. Can you imagine the blood rushing down his long neck, gaining speed and finally slamming into his brain?
The Creator has built special design features into the giraffe: within the blood vessels are check valves that slow down the rushing blood, and when the blood finally arrives at the brain, there is a “wonder net.” This wonder net acts like a sponge, dispersing the blood around the brain.
Evolutionists believe these features happened by accident and chance. If this were true, imagine the giraffe getting a drink when the creature did not have the wonder net and check valves. The giraffe hears a lion, raises his head too quickly, and the blood rushes away from his head – causing him to black out. As a result, he is now lion food. But if he raises his head too slowly, the lion attacks, and again the giraffe is lion food. How many giraffes would have to be eaten until these two special design features evolved?
The check valves and wonder net were needed right from the beginning in order for giraffes to survive. God created the giraffe on Day 6 of creation week with all of these amazing features!
(Source: Inspired Evidence- Joanne E Jorge, It’s God’s World Magazine, Inside Story 1995 pp.6-7)