Every day, more and more entertainment media is produced for kids and teens to consume. But a lot of this content contains harmful messaging, designed to undermine traditional values in favor of radical social and political agendas. How can parents keep up with the constant onslaught of new media so that they can actually tell the difference between what is harmful and what is safe for their kids?
Tina Griffin, a former Hollywood actress, has built a reputation as one of the leading Christian experts on popular media. She has traveled globally for the past 20 years, revealing how pop culture and the entertainment industry are glamorizing harmful behaviors without showing the consequences, and how these messages are eroding the foundational development of today’s youth.
Learn more about Tina Griffin and her ministry at https://counterculturemom.com/
This episode first aired on March 4, 2021.
Educate For Life with Kevin Conover airs Sundays 10-11pm. Listen live on KPRZ.com and San Diego radio AM 1210.
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