with Kevin Conover

1210 KPRZ @12:30PM Saturdays


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Young Earth Creation Catholics with Hugh Owen and Pamela Acker

Young Earth Creation Catholics with Hugh Owen and Pamela Acker

Join Young Earth Catholic Creationist, Author and Historian Hugh Owen along with Biologist Pamela Acker from the Kolbe Center for Creation. In this episode learn more about Catholics who hold to the young earth biblical account of creation in Genesis 1 and 2,...

How the Planets and Moons Point to God with Spike Psarris

How the Planets and Moons Point to God with Spike Psarris

How the Planets and Moons Point to God with Spike Psarris Electrical Engineer US Space Command. In this episode learn more about scientific discoveries in our solar system and how the evidence affirms the Biblical account of creation.   This episode first aired on...

Ancient Biblical Life Spans with Dr. Georgia Purdom

Ancient Biblical Life Spans with Dr. Georgia Purdom

Ancient Biblical Lifespans with Dr. Georgia Purdom of Answers in Genesis. Did Adam live over 900 years?   In this episode learn more about Ancient Biblical Lifespans with Molecular Geneticist Dr. Georgia Purdom. Is there scientific evidence that proves mankind is...

Evidence of Israelites in Egypt with Dr. Douglas Petrovich

Evidence of Israelites in Egypt with Dr. Douglas Petrovich

Is there evidence for Israelites living in Egypt and the great Exodus? Join Kevin Conover and Dr. Douglas Petrovich for this Educate for Life episode of Evidence of Israelites in Egypt. Learn more from Dr. Petrovich about the original Hebrew language and...

Why Marriage Matters

Why Marriage Matters

Why Marriage Matters with Kevin Conover and Jayson Payne Learn more about the history of Valentine's Day and Why Marriage Matters with a focus on the positive impact that long term marriage has on individuals and society.Why Marriage Matters with Kevin Conover and...

Church History with Robert J. Morgan

Church History with Robert J. Morgan

What happens when we fail to educate ourselves about Church history?  Learn more about the Christian influence on American culture and discover the rich Biblical history of the founding fathers.  Join Educate For Life Radio, as Kevin Conover talks with Robert J....

Addressing the Cultural Issues of this Generation with Abdu Murray

Addressing the Cultural Issues of this Generation with Abdu Murray

What happens when we put preference over truth? Today on Educate For Life Radio, Kevin talks with Abdu Murray former muslim, public speaker, and author of Embrace the Truth Ministries . Learn more about how to address the cultural issues of this generation. Join Kevin...

Combating Culture Issues with Tim Chaffey

Combating Culture Issues with Tim Chaffey

Our nation has surged in divisiveness over skin color. How do we answer issues such as CRT and racism?    Today on Educate For Life Radio, Kevin talks with Tim Chaffey author, speaker and content manager for the attractions division at AIG and the Ark Encounter. Join...

Overturning Roe V. Wade with Pastor James Kaddis

Overturning Roe V. Wade with Pastor James Kaddis

Was Roe V. Wade a valid case? Learn more about how the evil abortion law took form, how it is being challenged, and how it may soon be overturned. Today on Educate For Life Radio, Kevin talks with James Kaddis pastor of Calvary Chapel Signal Hill, CA. Pastor James...

FREE REPORT: Five Facts the Bible Discovered Thousands of Years BEFORE Modern Science

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