Remarkable Raindrops

Sep 8, 2021 | Blog | 0 comments

Did you know that even raindrops are designed with purpose? 

Raindrops are made when water molecules begin to stick to tiny condensation nuclei such as smoke, pollen, salt grains, or dust within clouds. The droplets grow as they collide with more and more water molecules. When they are heavy enough to leave the clouds and fall as rain. Job wrote of this exact process almost 4000 years ago! 

Raindrops do not look like teardrops but are spherical in shape.

As the drops become larger and larger, more and more air resistance builds up, causing the spherical shape to flatten out a bit, which makes them look more like tiny hamburger buns falling from the clouds. Raindrops are limited in their size, they tend to disintegrate when they exceed about ¼ inch in size. The raindrop’s surface tension prevents the drop from growing too large as they fall to the Earth. 

Imagine if raindrops could grow larger and larger; they might grow as large as bowling balls!

Massive erosion would take place if the ground were pummeled with bowling ball sized rain drops. Raindrops that large would shred plants, trees and other life forms on impact. On the other hand, if the raindrops were too small, like fog droplets, rain would not reach the ground but remain suspended in air currents. Raindrops too large or too small would not be good for the Earth. Even the size of a raindrop falling to the ground was well thought out by the Creator of all things. 

(Source: Inspired Evidence – Donald B. Young, Weather and the Bible 1992 pp.77-78)


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