Have you considered the purpose of sweat?
You’ve probably heard it cools the body, but did you know that scientists have discovered that sweating is beneficial in other ways? Sweat provides food for certain types of bacteria and fungi which live on our skin. Our skin is covered with millions of bacteria at this very moment. Sounds rather creepy, but the opposite is true, the vast majority of bacteria are actually quite helpful. These non-harmful bacteria and fungi living in our sweat produce lactic acid that in turn kills harmful bacteria and fungi.
Our skin is designed to protect us against many infections, but our skin is just the first level of protection.
God designed our skin to make food, in the form of sweat, so good bacteria and fungi could eat it and make the killer acid needed to destroy pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Without sweat, you would be far more prone to sickness.
Sweating keeps you healthy!
The bacteria and fungi need the sweat to live, and you need the bacteria/fungus acid to remain healthy. This is called symbiosis, an arrangement in which two different organisms live together in mutual benefit. If evolution were true, how would these organisms get together at the same time and same place? God knew what the human body would need in order to stay healthy.
(Source: Inspired Evidence, Dr. Jay Wile, Exploring Creation with General Science pp.286-289)