There are two worldviews on dinosaur history, which one is correct?

Aug 12, 2024 | Blog | 0 comments

If the evolutionary worldview is right, dinosaurs died off 65 million years before man existed and there should be minimal known data of these creatures. If the Biblical account is correct, then they were created alongside mankind, went through Noah’s flood, and have died out within the last few thousand years. 

There is plenty of evidence interwoven throughout human culture to prove they died off recently. Hundreds of cultures around the world have historical accounts of the presence of these great beasts throughout early civilization . “Dinosaur” is a relatively newer word, coined in 1841; prior to this man referred to these terrible lizards as “dragons.” Additional  evidence includes ancient drawings, carvings, cave etchings along with dated historical documents, eyewitness accounts, pottery and burial artifacts which precisely illustrate and describe several dinosaur kinds. 

Furthermore, over 100 fossilized dinosaur bones have been found with soft tissue inside proving they died off recently! The Bible also contains an accurate description of a sauropod dinosaur in Job 40:15-23, confirming the accuracy of the Bible. The Biblical model clearly proclaims the truth of earth’s history! 


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