Water is Our Most Precious Resource

Sep 6, 2024 | Blog | 0 comments

Water is one of our most precious resources, from rain, to  rivers and the sea and our amazing water cycle has an amazing purpose.  Surprisingly, the Gulf Stream carries 5,000 times as much water as the Mississippi River and there are many other “rivers in the sea” along with underwater currents. Without constant water circulation the oceans would get stagnant and produce a deadly environment, promoting disease and decomposing waste. And as water temperatures rise, the toxicity would increase and ultimately begin poisoning the atmosphere along with all living organisms on land. It is vital that the oceans have these circulating rivers and currents, to diffuse and balance out water temperatures as well as dilute toxic chemicals. Life on Earth is dependent upon the purification process of the rivers and the seas. God orchestrates the aquatic filtration system for our existence, that we may thank Him as we learn about His purpose for all things.




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