Work Wholeheartedly

Mar 1, 2023 | Blog | 0 comments

Who loves to work?

Work is considered by many as a necessary evil, a curse, something to be avoided at all costs. Yet, work was given to mankind before people rebelled against their maker, and God allowed death, disease, and hard toil to enter into all of creation. Work is undoubtedly a blessing from our Creator and Christians should acknowledge and act upon this fact. When Christians truly understand biblical creation, their perceptions of work are transformed from curses to blessings.

If Christians demonstrated Biblical characteristics of a strong work ethic, honesty, creativity, and a positive attitude, they would be in great demand as employees. Every aspect of our lives should reflect these characteristics because we are made in God’s image. God worked for six days to make all of creation. God took joy in work. God showed incredible creativity in His work. God then rested on the seventh day as a pattern for us to follow. Thus, He is honored when we do the same.

After finishing the work of creation, God did the most incredible thing of all, He placed mankind in a stewardship or manager position over all that He had made. Every invention, every song, every discovery, every painting, every medical advance, every tool, every social structure. All of mankind’s technological and artistic accomplishments were anticipated and pre-known by God. He gave us the entire world as a playground for discovery and invention. Even mundane work can be rewarding and inventive when we approach it with the attitude of creativity and gratitude.

(Source: Inspired Evidence – Julie Von Vett & Bruce Malone)


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