Was the pre-Flood world a paradise?

FLOOD MODELS AND BIBLICAL REALISM by Jonathan Sarfati Biblical creationists by definition believe in a globe-covering flood. But how this occurred has been a matter of intense debate within the creationist geologist community. Some general observations can be made...

Catastrophic Plate Tectonics

Friday, November 15, 2013 A Catastrophic Breakup A Scientific Look at Catastrophic Plate Tectonics by Andrew Snelling, Ph.D. March 20, 2007 When you look at a globe, have you ever thought that the earth looks cracked? Or, maybe the continents have reminded you of a...

How did Noah’s Ark withstand the Flood?

Wednesday, November 13, 2013 Feedback: Miraculously Calm Waters Around the Ark? by Tim Chaffey, AiG–U.S. August 23, 2013 “In reference to the article by Tim Chaffey ‘Did the ark have a sail?’, I am glad to see that someone else has a concern about the design of the...

Another amazing formation of Noah’s Flood

A giant cause The Giant’s Causeway, Northern Ireland: colossal volcanic eruptions during Noah’s Flood by Tas Walker Photo by Alistair Wylie Geologic cross-section Only a very small portion of the total volume of lava erupted is visible in the cliffs at...

Long human lifespans in Genesis: myth or history?

Monday, November 11, 2013 Living for 900 years by Carl Wieland A few people reach around 120 years. We’re understanding more … but, with new research, can we live longer? Fascinating new information about how and why we age casts fresh light on the long lifespans of...