Educate For Life Blog



In 2000 the movie Mission to Mars (seen by over 20 million people and earning $110 million worldwide) had a plot centered on the discovery that aliens had sent DNA to Earth billions of years ago. Humans are shown to be the result of the evolution of this “seeded”...

Menacing Mosquitos

Menacing Mosquitos

What did the mosquitoes eat before the fall of man if everything was good? Mosquitos are one of the deadliest insects responsible for over one million deaths  every year due to their bites. Did mosquitoes bite in the Garden of Eden? Most likely not, as God originally...

Bats the Night Hunters

Bats the Night Hunters

God has equipped the bat with echolocation for navigating the dark. The bat opens its mouth and sends out a high-pitched sound, which bounce off its surroundings, creating an echo that the bat can hear. These high-pitched sounds are created with the bats special...

Super Spider Webs

Super Spider Webs

Spiders are capable of producing one of the finest filament strands in the world. These threads can be 10,000 times thinner than a strand of human hair, and five times stronger than an equivalent weight of a steel cable. Scientists are learning how a spider keeps from...

Dinosaur Trackways

Dinosaur Trackways

Did you know there have been thousands of dinosaur tracks found all over the world? These dinosaur impressions include footprints, scratch marks and tail dragging imprints.  Perfectly preserved like this image from Dinosaur Ridge, Colorado, and many of these fossil...

Human foot

Human foot

The human foot was specially designed to allow standing in the upright position. Our foot is made up of three main structures that provide arch support and function: the keystone bone, wedge-shaped bones, and ligaments. The bones must be present or else the arch will...

My daughter has a deadly disease

My daughter has a deadly disease

Our daughter, 15 yrs old this October, was born in a birth center which was a home in a residential neighborhood with a mid-wife. I helped deliver her and as soon as she was born my wife and I were concerned. Something didn’t seem right, she wasn’t moving very much....

Water is Our Most Precious Resource

Water is Our Most Precious Resource

Water is one of our most precious resources, from rain, to  rivers and the sea and our amazing water cycle has an amazing purpose.  Surprisingly, the Gulf Stream carries 5,000 times as much water as the Mississippi River and there are many other “rivers in the sea”...

Jesus, Superman, Trump – Differences and Similarities

Jesus, Superman, Trump – Differences and Similarities

In 2013, I watched Zach Snyder’s Man of Steel with Henry Cavil. The constant references to Christ both directly and indirectly were impossible to miss. Historically, using the story of Superman as an allegory of the life and mission of Jesus is not new but Man of...

What mammal is perfectly suited for semi-aquatic living?

What mammal is perfectly suited for semi-aquatic living?

The beaver has specially created features that allow it to prosper in and out of water. The beaver is equipped with built in goggles for seeing, ear and nose valves that seal, and self-sharpening teeth for cutting trees. It also has the ability to retrieve and store...

There are two worldviews on dinosaur history, which one is correct?

There are two worldviews on dinosaur history, which one is correct?

If the evolutionary worldview is right, dinosaurs died off 65 million years before man existed and there should be minimal known data of these creatures. If the Biblical account is correct, then they were created alongside mankind, went through Noah’s flood, and have...

How to Incorporate Faith into Daily Homeschool Curriculum

How to Incorporate Faith into Daily Homeschool Curriculum

In today's world, integrating faith into a child's education has become increasingly essential for Christian families. Homeschooling offers the unique opportunity to tailor a child's learning experience to align with Christian values, ensuring faith and education are...