How does one choose between the most popular ideas concerning the formation of the universe?
These unscientific models include the Big Bang Expansion boom and stretch or the Steady State Universe nothing new, always the same or the Forever Expanding Eternal Universe or the Cyclic Universe and the big crunch.
Some current evidence indicates that the universe is gently oscillating, enough to maintain equilibrium while preventing collapse. This equilibrium is maintained by a gentle expansion and contraction of space. Almost like breathing! Even if this is true, where did everything come from, and how was this perfect balance achieved?
The Big Bang explains neither the origin of matter nor the perfect balance point achieved. A steady state universe could not exist forever, or all energy would be used up. The same problem eliminates the possibility of a forever expanding universe or a forever cyclic universe. All three choices violate the basic laws of physics and could not be true.
The correct answer is found in the Bible, God rolled out the heavens like a scroll. This reality accommodates all known observations, and the time frame fits the biblical model because during the rolling out process, space itself was stretched out. If this is indeed how the heavens were formed, the speed at which things happened in the past would not be limited to current values. Although there is much to still be learned, everything from background radiation to red shifts from distant starlight have been shown to fit nicely into a recent creation interpretation of cosmology.
(Source: Inspired Evidence – Julie Von Vett & Bruce Malone)