Class 302: Canon and Authorship of the Bible Preview
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Section 1: God’s Word, or Man’s?
1. Nobody’s Perfect?
2. Angelic Inspiration
3. Not Just A Dream
4. Canonicity
5. Five Fingerprints
Section 2: The Canon’s True History
6. The Da Vinci Claims
7. Ehrman v. Brown
8. The Church’s True Beginning
9. The Gnostic Threat
10. Answering Gnosticism
11. The Call for Canon
12. Settling Disputes
Section 3: Why Trust the Bible?
13. Jesus on Scripture
14. The Jewish Bible
15. What About the Apocrypha?
16. An Unbroken Testimony
17. No Other Gospels
Note: The documents for this class are for members only. Sign up here to start your free trial today! Or you can view the documents for Class 101 below to get an idea of what we offer.
- Class 101 Notes
- Discussion Questions
- Article 1: What’s A Missing Link?
- Article 2: The Duck-Billed Platypus
- Class 101 Verse Quiz
- Class 101 Quiz
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