Great Gravity

Great Gravity

Who discovered gravity?  Gravity is a force that pulls two objects together and It’s what keeps your feet pulled down on the ground. Thinking about gravity may be at the forefront of your daily routine until you imagine life without it. It’s Earth’s...
Lords Lungs

Lords Lungs

Did you know the average person breathes about 22,000 breaths per day? Breathing, it’s normal, and it’s something that you do every day all day long. Whether you’re awake or asleep you breathe in air full of oxygen. It travels through your nose and your...


What is a turbidite? Turbidite is sediment or rock deposited by a turbidity current. 1927 a major geological event happened off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada. Without warning, an earthquake triggered an underwater avalanche causing loose sediment on the...


Did you know you could be right next to someone in outer space, screaming at the top of your lungs, and that person wouldn’t hear you? Now that’s the sound of silence and It’s not just because space helmets are well insulated, it is because voices travel as...
Stalactites and Stalagmites

Stalactites and Stalagmites

Stalactites and stalagmites are formations that grow inside a limestone cave. One grows on the ceiling and one grows on the floor, but which one is which?  Here’s a way to remember, stalactite with the “C” grows from the ceiling. These formations are created...