Modern-Day Martyrs – Todd Nettleton

Modern-Day Martyrs – Todd Nettleton

DescriptionRead more... If you are familiar with the New Testament or church history, you know that Christians have been persecuted for their faith in many times and places.  Starting with the murder of Stephen soon after the resurrection, countless followers of Jesus...
An Atheist Explains Reality – Jeff Archer

An Atheist Explains Reality – Jeff Archer

DescriptionRead more... Whether they know it or not, every person possesses a worldview.  This is a set of broad principles that guides their perception of reality, informing them of what exists and what doesn’t, what is possible and what is not.  As human...
God and Neurosurgery — Part 2 – Dr. David Levy

God and Neurosurgery — Part 2 – Dr. David Levy

DescriptionRead more... Kevin speaks once again with Dr. David Levy, neurosurgeon and author of Gray Matter.  This week Dr. Levy shares more of his professional and personal insights into the human brain, taking a deeper look at some of the mind’s quirks and how...

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