by Educate F. | Jul 14, 2015 | Podcast
DescriptionRead more... This week Kevin continues to examine the tough issue of sexuality by talking with Joe Dallas, an expert on sexual addiction and homosexuality. Dallas is an author, conference speaker, and ordained pastoral counselor. His writings have been...
by Educate F. | Jul 9, 2015 | Podcast
DescriptionRead more... This week Kevin talks with Ray Comfort, Founder and CEO of Living Waters Publications. Ray discusses his latest movie, Audacity, which focuses on the controversial topic of homosexuality. Unlike Ray’s previous films, Audacity is not a...
by Educate F. | Jul 8, 2015 | Podcast
DescriptionRead more... “I’ve never met a woman who regretted having her child; but I’ve met many women who regretted having an abortion.” —Heidi Cessna, CAPS. This week Kevin talks with Julie Dowler and Heidi Cessna of College Area Pregnancy...
by Educate F. | Jul 7, 2015 | Podcast
DescriptionRead more... Whose job is it to take care of the needy: the government, or the church? In this episode Kevin talks with national black conservative leader Star Parker. Parker is the founder and president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education...
by Educate F. | Jun 16, 2015 | Podcast
DescriptionRead more... Do you really have to turn off your brain to believe the Bible? It is a common myth that science and the Bible have always been in conflict, and the case of Galileo is often cited as proof. But not only is Galileo’s story misinterpreted...
by Educate F. | Jun 11, 2015 | Podcast
DescriptionRead more... A great ideological chasm exists between the godlessness of Hollywood and the convictions of Christianity. How can believers bridge that gap to make a difference in the entertainment industry? Kevin talks with Dr. Larry Poland, who has had the...