The Toucan’s Beak

Jan 25, 2021 | Blog | 0 comments

Does the toucan’s beak have an essential purpose for life?

Darwin cited the large, brilliantly multi-colored beak of the toucan as an example of evolution. He said it was produced by natural selection in order to better attract a mate.

New research is now showing that the toucan’s beak helps the toucan stay cool in the tropical heat. The toucan uses its beak to flush large amounts of blood away from its body. The beak, which makes up 30%-50% of the surface area of the bird’s body, has a network of blood vessels close to the surface.

Depending on how much heat needs to be dissipated, the toucan can regulate the amount of heat radiating from its bill. On a hot tropical day warm blood floods into the beak, allowing the surrounding air to cool the toucan. On a cool tropical night, the blood flow is reduced, keeping the bird’s body at the right temperature.

The creator of the toucan’s temperature regulating beak is God Himself!

(Source: Inspired Evidence, Von Vett & Malone)


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