The Millipede’s Defense

Apr 14, 2021 | Blog | 0 comments

Can you name a creature with a deadly defense? 

A species of millipede called apheloria has an almost unbelievable defense mechanism. Many millipedes roll up or give off a foul smell when attacked, but not this one. Each segment of this millipede’s body contains special glands that make a chemical for its protection. 

When the enemy attacks, the millipede mixes this chemical with a catalyst. The resulting reaction produces hydrogen cyanide gas – the same gas used in Hitler’s gas chambers to kill people! Both the millipede and the enemy are engulfed in a cloud of this deadly cyanide gas. The enemy dies, while the millipede simply walks away!

How did the millipede develop the ability to produce cyanide gas? How did it develop immunity to the gas at the same time? How many millipedes were eaten before they developed this type of defense? How many millipedes died by gassing themselves? Evolution would say all this happened by mutational accidents. The faith of evolution believers to explain everything via evolutionary changes is more unbelievable than the millipede’s unbelievably complex defense mechanism!

This amazing defense system is clearly the result of intelligent planning and design.

(Source: Inspired Evidence Von Vett & Malone)


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