Characteristics of Clouds

Characteristics of Clouds

Have you considered the purpose of the clouds?   Clouds both heat and cool the Earth. When clouds cover the sky, they help keep the Earth warm, like a blanket, by reducing the amount of surface heat radiating into space. There have been estimates that clouds warm the...
Piranha Diet: Plants vs. Prey

Piranha Diet: Plants vs. Prey

  How did piranhas acquire a taste for blood? The ferocious piranha is a carnivore, which hunts in schools of 30 or more, preying on animals such as baby birds that fall out of their nests and into the river. They have teeth so sharp that the Indians of South America...
Eagle’s Eye

Eagle’s Eye

How do birds see at great speed? In addition to the upper and lower eyelids, birds have a third eyelid. This transparent eyelid called the nictitating membrane, sits in the corner of the eye and sweeps backward. The purpose of this membrane is to clean and moisten the...
Baby’s Heart Beat

Baby’s Heart Beat

  Have you considered the amazing function of the baby’s heart in the womb? How does a baby breathe when immersed in a sack of water? Why doesn’t blood circulate through a baby’s lungs while the baby is inside of the mother? The blood does not need to circulate to the...
Bent Strata

Bent Strata

How much evidence is there for a worldwide flood?  A strong evidence for the rapid formation of the geology of our planet is the widespread existence of folded sediment throughout the mountain chains of the world. Three-fourths of the surface of the Earth is made up...