Educate For Life Videos

Rescuing Millennials from Bad Politics – Audrea Taylor

Rescuing Millennials from Bad Politics – Audrea Taylor

"In every action we take, we are doing one of two things: we are either helping to create a hell on earth or helping to bring down a foretaste of heaven."  These are the words of Chuck Colson, and Audrea Taylor, founder of im2moro, has taken them to heart.  In this...

Drug Addicts Break Free – Herlindo Salinas and Mike Conway

Drug Addicts Break Free – Herlindo Salinas and Mike Conway

"Once a junkie, always a junkie."  That's what Herlindo had been told, and that's what he believed about himself.  However, even 16 years into his heroin addiction his mother told him something different: "Son, I know that some day you are going to change.  I am...

Gay and/or Christian? – Candice Czubernat

Gay and/or Christian? – Candice Czubernat

To many, the chasm between Christianity and homosexuality is insurmountably large. Some people believe that a person can be both a true Christian and openly homosexual. Is it possible to hold this position without compromising the Bible's teachings? Kevin discusses...

A World Etched by Water – Dr. John Baumgardner

A World Etched by Water – Dr. John Baumgardner

You probably wouldn't expect a committed evolutionist with a secular upbringing, who earned multiple graduate degrees in the hard sciences from prestigious universities, to end up being one of the world's leading creation scientists.  But that's exactly what happened...

From Bondage to Victory – Patti Height

From Bondage to Victory – Patti Height

The issue of homosexuality is a hot button topic in today's society. For Christians, it is even more so. In regards to the LGBT community, christians and the church are often seen as bigoted, hypocritical, unloving and uncaring. But is there a way for the church to...

Jews For Jesus – Dan Sered

Jews For Jesus – Dan Sered

If you had to guess the number one belief system in the state of Israel, what would you say? If you said "jewish" you would be right and wrong. The majority of Israelis would say they were jewish simply because it is their nationality. However, the major belief system...

Democratic Socialism vs Democratic Republic

Democratic Socialism vs Democratic Republic

Quick! What type of government does the United States have? Would it shock you to know that we don't have a democracy? In fact many of our founding fathers and early presidents abhorred democratic government. James Madison once said, "Democracy is the most vile form...

Lawsuit Against God – Clay Jones and Sean Taylor

Lawsuit Against God – Clay Jones and Sean Taylor

The debate over the existence of God and the presence of evil is ages old. The greek philosopher Epicurus pondered this seeming contradiction. He wrote, "Is God willing to prevent evil but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able but not willing? Then he is...

Boy Forced to Learn About Jesus in Public School – Nate Landis

Boy Forced to Learn About Jesus in Public School – Nate Landis

What if your son came home one day and told you he was locked in a room for an hour and forced to pray to Jesus. In today's politically correct world you might think this would never happened, but in fact it has. The young boy's parents were so outraged they sought to...

A Legacy of Creation – Dr. Henry Morris III

A Legacy of Creation – Dr. Henry Morris III

Not long ago, the debate between creation and evolution was almost entirely one-sided—at least in the scientific sense. Although Christians long opposed the evolutionary explanation of life on Scriptural grounds, they had no answers to any of the scientific arguments....

Leave Parenting to Parents – Michael Farris

Leave Parenting to Parents – Michael Farris

A 13 year old boy told a school counselor that he felt he should not have to go to church three times a week with his parents.  The counselor called for an "emergency removal" of the boy from his home.  At a subsequent hearing the judge mandated that his parents only...

Keep Your Kids on God’s Side! – Natasha Crain

Keep Your Kids on God’s Side! – Natasha Crain

Ultimately, it's not up to a church, youth pastor, Christian school, or anyone else to make sure that your kids are strong enough in their faith to face the world's challenges: it is your responsibility. Many parents feel that when it comes to teaching their children...

Healing Hurting Families – Dr. Julie Hayden

Healing Hurting Families – Dr. Julie Hayden

This week Kevin talks to psychologist Dr. Julie Hayden, Dean of the Graduate School of Behavior Sciences at Southern California Seminary.  Julie is trained not only in psychology, but also in religious studies (in which she has both a Bachelor's and Master's).  This...

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