Educate For Life Videos

Science Refutes Evolution – Dr. James Tour

Science Refutes Evolution – Dr. James Tour

How many times have you heard it said that virtually all scientists agree on the scientific validity of evolution? Not so! Kevin's guest on the show today is Dr. James Tour. He is a Bible believing Christian who has serious doubts about evolutionary theory as it is...

Is Atheism Faithless? – Dan Barker

Is Atheism Faithless? – Dan Barker

Kevin’s guest on the show today is Dan Barker. He is a Christian turned Atheist and is currently the co-president of the Freedom From Religion Foundation. Dan is a contributing editor of Freethought Today and is involved with the Foundation’s state/church lawsuits. He...

Blackbelt In Awesome – Victor Marx

Blackbelt In Awesome – Victor Marx

Our guest on the show today is Victor Marx. Victor Marx is a 7th degree blackbelt in Kaichu-Do (Cajun Karate), a 5th degree blackbelt in weapons, and holds the world record for the Chuck Norris inspired fastest disarm. He also leads high risk mission teams overseas...

For His Glory – Michael Sanchez

For His Glory – Michael Sanchez

I am a (insert job title here). This one sentence is how many people define themselves. Maybe this is how you define yourself. But have you ever thought how you could take that job title and use it to glorify God? You may be thinking, “I’m a plumber, not a pastor. How...

The Importance of School Choice – Andrew Campanella

The Importance of School Choice – Andrew Campanella

Education is an important part of everyone's life. It gives us the foundation we need for the rest of our lives. But what happens when a child can't get the education he or she needs? Whether the district schools are under performing or the private schools are too...

Continuing the Legacy – Will Graham

Continuing the Legacy – Will Graham

Billy Graham is perhaps the most well known and influential evangelist in modern history. His famous crusades have reached millions of people for Christ. He is in effect, America's chaplain, presiding over many inaugurations, funerals for presidents, and bring hope in...

Lighting Up The Darkness – Mark Spence

Lighting Up The Darkness – Mark Spence

If someone offered you a hundred dollars to share your beliefs in public would you do it? What if they offered you a thousand dollars? A million? Some of you are probably still saying no. About 90% of Americans have some level of fear of public speaking. This fear is...

My Jehovah – Michael Lehre

My Jehovah – Michael Lehre

Imagine this. You are in a room with no windows. There are people all around you. But they can't talk to you, look at you, or even acknowledge you. You might as well be invisible or dead. For most people, this would sound like a nightmare, but this was the experience...

Was Hitler a Christian? – Dr. Richard Weikart

Was Hitler a Christian? – Dr. Richard Weikart

Christianity is often associated with the worst moments in history. The salem witch trials, the crusades and the holocaust just to name a few. Critics claim that because of these events, Christians can't claim that Christianity is better than any other religion. After...

Unapologetic – Dr. Joseph Holden

Unapologetic – Dr. Joseph Holden

Many Christians go through life with many questions about their faith and may feel surrounded on all sides by opposition. They are faced with tough questions such as, how can a good God allow evil? Does the Bible contain errors? How can we know it's the word of God?...

NASA Saturn Researcher Fired For Sharing God – David Coppedge

NASA Saturn Researcher Fired For Sharing God – David Coppedge

Imagine this. You come in to work one day and learn you're being investigated for harassment. Why? Because you shared a DVD with a co-worker about the science of intelligent design. Worse still, your boss fires you because you dared to share your beliefs. Sound...

Out of a Far Country – Dr. Christopher Yuan

Out of a Far Country – Dr. Christopher Yuan

The journey from openly homosexual agnostic drug dealer to Bible-affirming Christian scholar and professor is a long and difficult one, as Dr. Christopher Yuan can attest.  Dr. Yuan's parents were Chinese expatriates who escaped the cultural revolution by fleeing...

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